• Emma Glasgow posted an update 10 years ago

    @lucenewman Lucy, just wanted to say your photos look BRILLIANT!! You have really helped me to make my mind up about what size to go for. I was offered 230/260 (asymmetrical atm) or 260/290 and I have chosen the latter. I was worried that because of my small frame they would end up huge but yours look brilliant with your frame so thank you so much! xxxx

    • Lucy replied 10 years ago

      Hi Emma, aww thank you so much chick! i have only just seen this. i know – i received a lot of stick from my friends before hand with them all saying i would look stupid and that i would fall over, etc (i think there was a teeny bit of jealousy lol) but now ive had them done they look so natural and fit within my frame perfectly! trust your surgeon girl – he knows what he is doing. best of luck! cant wait to see yours when they are done 🙂 xxx