• Howard Humphries posted an update 10 years ago

    A suspended ceiling is quite useful in-the new toilet. Browse this web site address to explore the meaning behind this hypothesis. Beautiful, it might hide ventilation pipes, electrical wiring, and etc. A suspended ceiling can be of different types: metal or moisture-resistant gypsum-plaster. For the ceiling area increase, suspended ceiling boards must be fitted perpendicularly (a 90-grade direction) to the long wall or diagonally. For design of the result of the high roof, mirror boards or white mat boards with mirror fillets between them are used. A moisture-resistant gypsum-plaster roof can be made multi-level one of any shape: semicircle, diamond-shaped, square, circle, zigzag lines with ornamental cornice, into which sunlight bulbs can be installed. Spotlights can be mounted inside the gypsum-plaster ceiling. Let us turn for the lighting now. A fresh bathroom must be lit brightly. Bright light occurs brilliant feelings, feelings of protectiveness and happiness. A simple wall light makes a lot of un-necessary shadows, that is why it is easier to replace it with spotlights, included in the suspended ceiling. There occur spotlights of various shapes and colors, with incandescent lamps and halogen lamps. You should select the type of light you need before making a restoration of your bathroom. Halogen lights develop sharp focused beam of sunshine. If you want to emphasize some place in your bathroom, it’s reasonable to use a rotary lamp with halogen bulbs. You can get light out of halogen bulbs with the help of glass diffuser, predetermined in the shape of the lamp. Incandescent lamps create more uniformly diffused, smooth and bright light. With all the bulbs will also fit for-a toilet light mirror. The best site for that mirror is above-the bathroom sink. The gap between the bottom of a mirror and the top of a sink should be about 15cm; this can help prevent splashing. In addition, reflection is the best and vital material for growth of bathroom area. To check up more, people should take a gander at: tell us what you think. To-day there exist a number of mirror kinds, however, the practical and most ideal of them may be the mirror with cabinets and lamps for various toilet articles. It’s possible to add variety to the new bathroom with the help of differently shaped marketers, as well as decorative glass blocks. It is also recommended to decorate the bathroom walls and floor with flowers in the containers, considering, that for some species of plants such microclimate is perfect for constant growth and flowering. While making bath-room reconstruction you ought to look closely at the next major phases. The bathroom floor. The main and difficult issue of the lavatory reconstruction is the floor damp proofing. Small fractures can cause a damp prevention malfunction, which will result in loss and battles with neighbors. Tube function. It is important to carry out pipe and new bath-room gear assembly in a quality approach, as a way to prevent leakage. Making a plan of bath-room reconstruction, do not ignore ventilation. If the bathroom has bad ventilation, condensate will appear on the walls and ceiling, form will appear as a consequence of it, and the complete bathroom reconstruction will come to nothing. Decoration and bathroom renovation give place to unbounded stream of imagination. You can perform any result, necessary specifically for you!.