• Charley posted an update 10 years, 7 months ago

    @sunflowers hiya your nose looks amazing.. What surgeon did you have ? Xxx

    • I had Dr G… can’t sing his praises highly enough! I love him! xx

      • That’s brilliant.. Did you have to have your nose broken? If so which method did he use? I had my Rhino on the 23rd August so it’s all early a days for me so swollen and bruised. I had Dr Frati. I can’t wait to see my nose once the cast is off.. Sorry one more question hun when did your nose stop leaking? I’m still using the pads lol. Your help is most appreciated xxx

        • I don’t know about broken, I’m pretty sure they have to break the nose, especially if you are having any kind of work on the bridge but you can’t really tell after the cast comes off. I found it very sensitive but not painful! My nose took AGES to stop leaking. I was still wearing my drip pads around 5 days post op so don’t worry too much, I was told that unless its literally getting worse not to panic 🙂 You’ll have to put lots of pics up of the new nose! xxx

          • Yes sorry that’s what I meant did they have to break your nose. My surgeon did and he done it the lateral osteotamy way. Probably spelt that wrong lol.. The meaning is slowing down which is good day 3 post op and swelling is going and bruising so I’m happy so far just want to see my new nose with the cast off.. Oh yes of course will upload lots of pics before and after 🙂 thank you for replying also 🙂 xx