• anger1hate posted an update 10 years, 1 month ago

    I’m writing this with the din of jackhammers in history. I am working on the weekend (surprising at that could be ); feeling sorry for myself that I cannot get good silent uninterrupted amount of time in like I’d in the pipeline. I thought I’d write an article on Procrastination since that’s what I’m doing now. I have more essential things you can do (please dont just take offence). I am entering a heavy travel sched… Good ways to Procrastinate and when Procrastination could be good. If people require to learn further on check this out, we know of millions of online resources you should think about pursuing. I’m writing this together with the noise of jackhammers in history. I’m focusing on the week-end (shocking at that may be ); feeling sorry for myself that I can not get good peaceful continuous time in like I had in the pipeline. I thought I would write articles on Procrastination because that is what I am doing now. I have more essential things to do (please don’t simply take offence). I am going into much travel schedule while I’m traveling so I can submit easily so like to have a few posts created or a minimum of roughed out. So writing an article is not a terrible utilization of time. I began thinking about when procrastination may be good and came up with many types of good procrastination. The rules of Good Procrastination. 1 Procrastinate or leave some thing if it is prone to solve itself if you take no action. Needless to say in this case, it likely should not also be on your list and shouldn’t be-a priority. 2 Procrastinate if making something stew can cause a better solution. In this case, I tend to maybe not do nothing on it, rather I spend a while to prepare it, think about it, produce ideas down etc. A few ideas tend to incubate greater if some thought has gone into it before they’re left. 3 Should you must hesitate, do something different on your own list that might be lower priority but nonetheless needs doing. This really is like asking your child, are you wanting to wear the red hat or the blue one. Not would you like to wear a hat. Pick from 2 or maybe more tasks all that require doing. 4 Procrastinate if you want a break. Often efficiency is an order of magnitude better if you are effectively in movement and possess the right energy, imagination and so forth. 5 Sometimes I procrastinate on-the large part of the task by doing small pieces around it. For instance, in the place of do my taxes (which I dislike), I could collect and organize things or setup a meeting with my accountant. Choose a element of the work that’s never as unpleasant. 6 Procrastinate by doing the more important job. This seems counter-intuitive since good time-management says you always work on the highest priority task (and you ought to be). What I often find is I’m focusing on tasks that are causing me stress (so I wish to hesitate) and then realize, there are probably other more impor-tant tasks to complete that I enjoy doing. If somebody else probably will do it (or if you will get them to do it) 7 Procrastinate. Obviously, I never said I was a wedding counselor. Leaving the bathroom or cleaning for you spouse mightn’t be such a great idea today choosing thats another idea. First and foremost, if you procrastinate, do not feel guilty. That only detracts from the good of it. Still, focusing on a thing that isn’t your highest goal too often is not a good practice to enter into. One of my favourite time management experts, Alan Lakein, states to always ask What is the best use of my time right now?.. Therefore back again to work..