• Giorgia posted an update 10 years, 6 months ago

    @camillax how you feeling Hun? Xx

    • Literally just got my strapping removed I was to scared to look lol there really big and fake looking the scars are so neat and small and I cant fault how they are done I just want squishy nataural boobs lol what did you think of yours xx

      • Mine feel so tiny! They are no where near the size I thought they would be
        Was really ill over the weekend but feeling better now they still feel stuck on ha x

    • I think yours look great 🙂 mine look really big with no bra on but really well hidden in a sports bra but yea they still look really stuck on and rely hard just want them to soften. Do you feel back to Normal now or not quite xx

      • Yeah in my sports bra they feel tiny!! Yours look really good 🙂

        No still not great! Still in bed most days you? Xx

    • Do you wished you had gone bigger then ? I’m sure when we have normal bras on they will look huge if I would of worn a sports bra pre op it would of been completely flat . I feel so much better now the strappings off for the first week I slept so much didn’t get out of bed much I had my first shower yesterday and washed my hair then went out for a meal but after my shower my incisions were really sore n they hadn’t bothered me much before their still abit sore today but I’ve been shopping pushed my daughter in her pushchair so good to start to feel back to normal still not fully there yet. Because we had partials think the recoveries abit longer because the implants under our chest muscle when we use our muscle it’s sticking into our implant xx

      • Yes really wish I went bigger! But ha ho like you say much better than before. I think it’s because I was supposed to be having overs but he did partials so they look flatter at the top.
        Glad your recovering well. I tried to do too much to fast and have been back in bed for 3 days hope tomorrow I will feel a lot better xx