• Rebecca posted an update 10 years, 5 months ago

    @antonia25 hi I was just wandering if you got an option of moderate or high profile as the surgeon has given me exactly the same size as you but I have a choice of high or moderate , yours look great ! X

    • He said both for me also but as I wanted a bit if a fake look he said hp would be best. Thanks, them pics where a while ago now need to add recent ones. As I’m about 14 weeks post op now. Most ppl said mine don’t look fake, which is a bonus. Job well done. I think they look fake tho it’s obvious ha.
      The amount they change is is mad.
      With swelling they look huge but then wen it goes u kinda want it back.
      But I am happy with mine feel so much better about myself 🙂 xx

    • Thanks so much ! , I just don’t want them too big or too small aha I’m
      So fussy . But because I am really petite and only a size 6 I don’t want to look stupid and at the moment I am a full b cup so hopefully 375cc high profile will look ok 🙂 x

      • I am in the same situation. Have my 350 on 11th November but want to go 375 as I don’t want them to be too small. help 🙂

        • I no I am wondering whether to go for maybe 400cc now though , but they all look different on different people , my friend had 340cc and was only an A cup before and hers are a full D and look amazing so god nows ! X