• Jodi posted an update 10 years, 3 months ago

    Hey hope you don’t mind the add hun, I had 425 unders 10 days ago, have you decided whether you’re going smaller? @yasmin123

    • Hey girl no I’ve got the appointment this Thursday! Think I’m hgoing to go 400cc as I’ve already got
      Bobbies so I don’t want them too big! How are yours!!’n Xx

      • If I can give you any advice it would be to go for the biggest size the surgeon offers. They would never give you a size that wouldn’t suit you 🙂 I wish I went a bit bigger as now my swellings going down I’m missing them!! Ha. I was really worried about them being too big but they’re defo not. Boob greed in full force! I love them though, I actually went for anatomicals so they look so natural. Really happy. Are you going over? xx

    • Ah yeah everyone has said that! He suggested 500xcc at first and I was like woah. Who did them? Ahh I can’t wait I am nervous tho x

    • Yeah mine are over! He never gave any other suggestion and nothing about HP?? So I’m going to ask the difference and questions this time. x