• Sarah posted an update 10 years ago

    @clairebear25 hey how you feeling? I’m much better now and attempting to do more things around the house, everything just takes forever to do though haha. I had my bandages off yesterday and was suprised at how much bigger my boobs look without them xx

    • Oh that’s good to hear! How are you finding looking after your little boy? Yes I can shower now finally 🙂 and my stitches have gone now but I’m left with some plastic bit sticking out the end of each boob that still needs to go. They feel so fragile with the bandages off, I wasn’t expecting it. It was like I had just had them done again xx

    • I wasnt in there for long at all. The nurse just took the bandages and said she was really happy with how I was healing. And I asked her a few questions about sleeping and stuff like that xx