• Tara posted an update 10 years ago

    @preetik hi Hun has the pain got any better yet , I am
    Still in agony nurse told me yesterday to see how I go today as pain shud start to ease.
    I have to say it’s the same as first second and third day !
    I really want this pain to just go away x

    • Hi Tara, I’m still in agony to be honest. Back is beginning to hurt a lot too which doesn’t help. Did you try the ice pack? When are you getting your strapping removed?x

    • Tara replied 10 years ago

      My back is hurting to .. I have a maccom
      Strap so I can loosen it my self but just for ten mins at a time.
      The ice pack hasn’t really helped.
      I am just glad to speak to someone who is actually on pain cos everyone else seems to be having a easy recovery.
      Morning times are by far the worst , still feeling nausea at times too !
      I can’t say I am enjoying this experience , right now because of the pain I wish I didn’t even bother having them . Hopefully next week I will feel different xx

      • Oh gosh sounds like we are both having an awful recovery. I totally agree I’m so glad there’s someone else who feels this way, when reading everyone else’s comments/stories really made me feel there was something wrong. I’ve been taking ibruprofen too because the other pain killers have been making me sick, see if these help? I’m dreading going to sleep tonight may just end up sleeping up right as getting out of bed is the worst pain! I’ve also been regretting getting them done now too 🙁 Let me know how you get on over the weekend x x

        • Tara replied 10 years ago

          It certainly does , I sleep upright at night with a million cushions behind my back and head, I still have a lot of pain in the mornings and my boyfriend has to push my back to hell me get out of bed cos I always slide down.
          I have been taking ibuprofen as the co codomol knock me sick.
          I will let you no how the weekend goes.
          I kind of wish someone told me how bad the pain would be I was kind of told I would feel some discomfort well this is way more then some discomfort . Hope u feel better soon xx