Terri posted an update 10 years ago
I had my surgery yesterday, my admission time was 8am surgeon Dr traynor, was really nervous getting there just of the anaesthetic itself but everyone did well to re assure me, even Dr traynor! It all went really quick I was first on his list so I gowned up put my stockings on did paperwork ect then it was time to go to theatre, anaesthetist was really lovely he kept me calm, they put the sticky pads on my back and a mask over my face then off I went! I woke up it was so weird was like I had blinked and they was done! I had to have strapping on unsure why (didn’t ask many questions to be honest I trust him so much) by 11.30 I was feeling a bit more myself they come around every 30min or so to do bp an sats I wasn’t aloud food or drink for 2 hours afterwards, wasn’t it much pain just a bit uncomfortable achey back and arms probably from the position I was in more than anything. At 2 I had tea and toast along with jug of water which was the best bit mouth was so dry! By 4 I was discharged all good to go. I just feel like heavy chested and achy back bit ristricted movement wise obviously just need to get used to what I can and can’t do! Any questions feel free ! X
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