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  • Height


  • Weight

    11stone 5

  • Bra size


  • Clinic location


  • Procedures

    Breast enlargement

  • Surgeon

    Dr mounir

  • Age







About me

I’m attending the Nottingham clinic my PC is jade who’s lovely

and my consultant is dr mounir

What Stage of the Cosmetic Surgery process are you at?

Post Surgery

Are you a MYA patient?


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My Stats

I’m 5’9 and weigh 11 stone 5 aiming for 10 stone 7 πŸ™‚

im 34E/F at the min looking at being a G or H cup once done





11stone 5

Bra size


Clinic location



Breast enlargement


Dr mounir



Patient Story

Why did you want the procedure?

The reason why I wanted breast augmentation was that I’d finally got confidence back after a horrible ‘relationship’Β where I’d be put down constantly on my boobs for years πŸ™


before surgery I was a

32E/F -34E/F bra size

I wanted to have big fake looking boobs for me πŸ™‚ and obvs for my husband who loved my ‘before’ boobs but supported me through my journey as he wanted me to be happy

Why did you choose MYA?

I’d heard of mya before on advertisements and it was the first place I thought of

saw the website and all the success stories and knew I’d have to go there

How was your consultation?

Really good first consultation with dr mounir and jade at Nottingham

he was honest and really made me feel comfortable gave me options with no hard sell

How was the day of your procedure?

had my op 30/01/2017

I was ok until the morning of the op. Walked into the side room and went into panic mode. My husband came with me and stayed with me until I went to theatre.

A nurse came in and took my stats and then a male nurse who was lovely came in and asked a few questions. The anaesthetist spoke to me then dr mounir came and agreed the size I wanted and marked me up for the op

I was told I was first in and nearly cried ended up telling hubby not to look or talk to me because I didn’t want to cry lol.

got my plastic pants and gown on and felt so hot and sweaty through the nerves.

went down to theatre with a nurse who was lovely and really made me start to relax as I was waffling on about nothing at one point

The anesthetist came in and told me what the plan was and gave me my anaesthetic I went off to sleep feeling very tipsy πŸ™‚ listening to the nurse tell me a nurse called Mary would be waiting for me when I woke up

next thing I heard someone rousing me saying ‘hey do you want to see your new boobs?’ I remember looking down saying wow ! πŸ™‚

I was saying hi to everyone I saw haha and then it dawned on me and I asked the one nurse ‘oooh are you Mary ?’ Lol think they all must of thought I was a right nutter

ive heard some people wake from anaesthetic in different ways usually if heard there can be a bit of aggresssion or frustration/confusion I was just happy and wanted to be friends with everyone haha (I am probs like that anyway)

i was taken back to my room and the nurses got my Macom bra for me and put it on x I was a little sleepy and only in a little discomfort, didn’t feel painful at all.

had a little sandwich and plenty of water as my thoat was quite dry

the nurse came in and regularly checked on my me and took blood pressure and temperature every so often

after a few hours I was allowed to go with plenty of co codamol and antibiotics

How was your recovery?

The first night wasn’t too bad found it difficult to sleep as I felt really heavy and needed help getting up and hubby had to hold me while I walked to the loo and help me back to bed

I was lucky as the hotel provided me with loads of pillows as hubby had let them know I was having an op

rested so much basically slept on the sofa for 2 weeks as I knew I’d be better sleeping at an angle

got really bloated and hadn’t pooped for 5 days so had to take a senakot which helped took my cocodamol antibiotics and piriton regularly

think day 3 I started to suffer with sickness really bad and the slightest smell would set me off I went off coffee, squash even the thought would make me gag. I had taken tablets through the night and not eaten which I feel may have been the cause of the sickness so I ended up setting a timer and made sure I ate and the took my tablets which made a massive difference

I had a sneak peak at my boobs and instantly loved loved loved them they looked huge which was what I wanted πŸ™‚

felt a bit too heavy as expected and felt like I’d topple forward for the first few days as they felt stuck on and couldn’t lift my arms either so babywipe washes and hair in a low plait was all I could muster

2 week check I saw the nurse and she took my dressings off and I was allowed to have a shower

nipple peircings had totally healed up πŸ™ Β advised to wait at least 6 months before fitting then redone

At 4 weeks feeling has been coming back in boobs and tingles like electric shock through the nipples

feel a little sore in the centre of boobs like a bra wire is digging in and rubbing the skin I started to use cocoa butter on boobs as I’d heard that could be stretch marks coming so rubbed plenty in avoiding the incisions.

im now on my 6th week and I’m so pleased on how my boobs are looking I did have slight asymmetry and it’s still there but I’m happy with how they look I feel they’ve changed quite a bit since the op and they’re starting to drop and fluff out nicely going to see the nurse today for my check up




Are you happy with your results?

Yes im super pleased with my outcome and it’s still early days (6weeks)





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