About me
surgery booked for 11th June 2018
max marcellino – uplift
currently 36DD
pC – Fay Williams
had op – so happy with results
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Chantelle and Abbie are now friends!
Replied to the topic Uplift only.
6 years, 4 months agoAbbie and Lisa are now friends!
palace123 and Abbie are now friends!
Abbie and Lauren Hackett are now friends!
Carly Poyner and Abbie are now friends!
Francesca Maria 1993 and Abbie are now friends!
faye and Abbie are now friends!
Sarah and Abbie are now friends!
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6 years, 8 months agoNadia and Abbie are now friends!
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6 years, 8 months agoTyra and Abbie are now friends!
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6 years, 9 months agoReplied to the topic UPLIFT – MARCELLINO OR LUTZ??
6 years, 9 months agoAbbie and Lauren are now friends!
Abbie and Amy are now friends!
Replied to the topic June Surgeries ??
6 years, 9 months agoReplied to the topic June Surgeries ??
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