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  • Height


  • Weight


  • Bra size

    32b ( maybe less)

  • Clinic location


  • Procedures

    Breast augmentation

  • Surgeon

    Dr Linda Fuimara

  • Age





About me

Aimee Sheppard



PC – Tanya

Surgeon- Dr Linda Fuimara

Date: 4th July 2016

Location: London Fitzroy hospital

What Stage of the Cosmetic Surgery process are you at?

Post Surgery

Are you a MYA patient?


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My Stats

I’m 5″7 and weight 9stone

I was wearing a 32b before and had 350cc unders! Cannot wait for them to heal to find out what size I’ll eventually be!






Bra size

32b ( maybe less)

Clinic location



Breast augmentation


Dr Linda Fuimara



Patient Story

Why did you want the procedure?

I’ve decided to write in detail because I know how nerve wracking it can be and hopefully this can help you!

Reasons why…

Since I was mid teens I’ve always been unhappy with my breasts. I would buy super push up bras and have them so tight they would cut in to my shoulders, silly I know!

A few “friends”would make remarks about my little breasts as I was the smallest in our group.

Whilst shopping I’d base outfits around my breasts, couldn’t buy anything low cut or anything too baggy because of my “boy chest”.

Ive been unhappy with my appearance for 7 years, I’d always watch programmes about surgery and say “I want that done!”.

Then a friend had hers done with MYA, and hers looked amazing. So I started following MYA on instagram and Twitter, then one evening I was sat with my mam and I was on the website and I there and then inquired about a free consultation ,just to look into it further into it all, less than 10 mins later I had spoken to someone and my first consultation was booked.

First consultation (3rd may 2016)

My sister came with me to the Cardiff clinic. We arrived and had to wait a few minutes in the waiting area, I was so excited. Then I was called into a room where I met my Patient Coordinator. I walked into the room and on the desk were two implants, so surreal seeing them.

We discussed my reasons behind my decision and discussing my desired whilst looking at pictures on the computer. I told her that I wanted to look as natural as possible, I didn’t want them rounded or too big for my frame.

I then had to get my boobs out so she could see them. (hate getting them out).

She decided that Dr Linda Fuimara was the best surgeon for me.

We then went through various information and finance side of things and discussed possible dates. I bit the bullet and thought it was now or never and had a few possible dates for the operation. I was sent home with lots of information and was told to think about when I wanted it done.

A few days later my PC phoned and I decided on my date.

Consultation 2 (28th May 2016)

Today was the day I met my surgeon!!

This time my mam came along with me. I saw the nurse first who discussed the operation, and took my blood pressure and I had to fill in different surveys eat about medical history.

Again I had to show my breasts and photos were taken from different angles ect.

Then it was time to meet Dr Fuimara. It was so surreal seeing the lady who would be giving me what I always wanted!

I explained my reasons and explained my desired look. She listened carefully to everything I said and never once put ideas into my head.

After listening she based her opinion on which implants would be more suitable for me. We decided on under the muscle implants.

She then measured my breasts and took more photos, before giving me a bra to try on with different implant sizes.

The first ones I tried on were 275 cc’s and myself and Dr Fuimara said they weren’t what I desired. So we went up a size 300cc’s. These were lovely. Dr Fuimara explained what she expected my finished look would be based on this.

She always orders 3 sizes for the day of the operation so she ordered a size less ( 300cc) , the size I decided on (325cc) and then a size bigger (350cc).

I 100% felt that Dr Fuimara listened to everything I said and gave me her honest opinions based on my decisions.

With all that done, we shook hands and I was led out of the room with my PC who was equally as excited as me. So excited to asked if I wanted to try the implants on again! Of course I said yes.

Coming home from that consultation I was like a child at christmas, there was only one thing left to do…. TELL DAD!
( he was fine with it all thank god!)

Everything was set in stone, dates were set and the countdown began. As the big day was fast approaching and after discussing with my mam, she said if you’re going to do, go for the biggest size because she didn’t want me being dissapointed after going through everything.

The big day. ( 4th July 2016)

My sister accompanied me to London, we went up a day before and had a lush day.

A few days before I was given my admission time …7am.We arrived and I had to wait a few minutes before being taken to my room.

The room was immaculate and I even had my own tv!

A nurse explained I was second on the list and explained what was going to happen that morning. I was then given my sexy gown,stocking and slippers and was asked to do a wee sample and pregnancy test!

Different nurses came in to see me, taking my blood pressure and measuring me for my surgical stockings.

The aneathetists came around 8:30 and explained his part in the operation. Going through every detail. He said I should have my operation around 10am, and said Dr Fuimara would be along shortly.

Everyone was so friendly and really helped steady my nerves.

Around 9 Dr Fuimara came to see me. I was beaming to see her. She took more photos and drew on her measurments on my chest.  We discussed sizes and I asked if I could go for the 350’s. She explained she would try her very best, but I said if not I’d still be happy with my original choice.

Again she went through the operation and made sure I 100% happy before leaving me.

The next hour and a half flew by! The nurse came and got me, I said goodbye to my sister and off I went. I told the nurse I felt really nervous and she replied ” you’re in the safest of hands and just think before you know it you’ll have sexy new boobies”!

Operation – around 10:15

The aneathetists made me comfortable and nurses made sure I was calm and ready before he inserted the cannular . He said to count back from 20… I think I got to 16!

After the operation 

I woke up in recovery feeling very groggy, the nurse was right by my side smiling. First thing i did was grab my chest. Two hard lumps were there, I won’t lie, I was in agony. My first words ” what size did I have”? and the nurse told me, “You have 350s lovely”.I was smiling like a Cheshire cat! Success!

The nurse gave me oxygen whilst I waited to come round further. Then I was given my first sip of water. My mouth was so dry!

When I was a lot more with it ( I would say 20 mins later) I was taken back to my room and was laid down to rest. The nurses went to get my sister.

All I had on was a bra band which was very tight, and my gown.

Every 15 mins later the nurses would check my blood pressure and made sure I was comfortable. About an hour later I was allowed toast. HOORAY!!

By this point the pain was very bad and I asked for pain relief.

I was given 1 sickness tablet, two pain killers and a muscle relaxant. They kicked in straight away and I was shocked how much more comfortable I felt… this is where my sister noticed something unusual. I was turning red and blotchy. I was not in any pain, just red lol.

My sister called for the nurses who came rushing in. Whilst she was in the room, the blotchiness and redness went. She said she’d keep an close eye on me, which she did.

I turned blotchy every few minutes. It was clear I had reacted, but to what drug? As I hadn’t had muscle relaxant or sickness tablets before they decided it was one of the two.

The aneasthetist came back to see me to investigate further and then soon after Dr Fuimara. They decided it was the muscle relaxant. Dr Fuimara was devastated as this drug would’ve really helped with the pain but they couldn’t risk it.

Dr Fuimara and another nurse helped put my macom bra on and adjusted the breast band.

I was given piraton which started to work. I was turning blotchy less and less and around 6pm the nurses were preparing to discharge me.


So far recovery has been well. The night of the operation was unconfortable and I slept all of 4 hours before waking up in pain. ( nothing major but enough to want pain relief).

As the morning went on and we were preparing to come home  I was shocked how “normal” I felt. I was breathless on times and walking was slower but I was glad to be on my way home.

We got the underground to Paddington. I was feeling slightly dizzy and feeling nauseous. I tried having something to eat on the train to see if that helped but the feeling continued. However thankfully I wasn’t sick.

I was so relieved to be home with my mam and dad, who were equally as shocked at how well I looked.

I have been very mobile, able to sit up and watch tv downstairs. I need help getting up but I honestly feel well. I know when to take it easy or have a rest/ lay down.

They are still rock hard atm, but hardly any bruising!

I am 1 billion percent happy with my decisions. Roll on when they settle so I can see my final results.





Why did you choose MYA?


How was your consultation?


How was the day of your procedure?


How was your recovery?


Are you happy with your results?



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