About me
Op date: Friday 13th March
What Stage of the Cosmetic Surgery process are you at?
Post Surgery
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My Stats
Size 8
9 stone 6 lbs.
Pre op size: 32aa
Implants: 400cc ultra high implants
Tyler and Alana are now friends!
Replied to the topic What size sports bra can I get for my post op?!
10 years agoUpdated their profile
10 years agoAlana changed their profile picture 10 years ago
10 years agoSian and Alana are now friends!
Alana and Kelly are now friends!
Replied to the topic declined finance from mya and tesco loans, what now?
10 years agoStarted the topic Shock absorber sports bra
10 years agoStarted the topic 325/350/375cc ultra high partials.
10 years agoSophie Clare and Alana are now friends!
Alana became a registered member 10 years ago
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