Ashlee posted an update 10 years, 1 month ago
@laurawight You know what everyone is different and ive read on here some people been in agony and others said it was a breeze, i think it depends on your pain threshold etc. It definatly wasnt as bad as i thought it was gonna be like. i think the most pain/uncomfortableness i had was when i was coming round from the anaesthetic felt like someone had kicked me in the boobs several times! but as i woke up that went away. as long as you keep on top of ur meds for the first few days you will be good. i think i stopped cocodamol on day 5 as i wasnt in that much pain and also i couldnt go to the toilet (cocodamol common side effect is constipation) so ive just had ibuprofen and paracetomol when i need to. Have you taken some time off work and got someone to help you in the first week? xxx
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