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  • Clinic location

    Fitzrovia London

  • Procedures

    Vaser Liposuction

  • Surgeon

    Dr Jofilly

  • Age





What Stage of the Cosmetic Surgery process are you at?

Post Surgery

Are you a MYA patient?


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Bra size


Clinic location

Fitzrovia London


Vaser Liposuction


Dr Jofilly



Patient Story

Why did you want the procedure?

I had stubborn fat areas which just would not budge, when I dieted and worked out I would slim down everywhere but those areas and it was just so fustrating

Why did you choose MYA?

They were friendly and very thorough , cost effective and had good finance options, not really massive dent on the savings!

How was your consultation?

1st PC meeting was good, discussed what I needed doing, my PC was Krisztina and she was so helpful, she’s so nice and easy to talk to, said it would definaltey be doable but advised to see the surgeon.


2nd – was seeing the actual surgeon which was a first consultation with another surgeon not the one who did my surgery, I find the the surgeons are not very chatty, the consultation was a little silent, but he checked the areas and quoted me – a little more for more areas than the PC said I would need.


3rd – came in for a second consultation with my chosen surgeon Dr Jofilly, same as the first surgeon, looked at the areas but could do more of an area in as 1 which allowed me to get more for my money, in total I decided to go with three areas! He was quiet swell, theres hardly any small talk but I guess they do 100 of these a day!


How was the day of your procedure?

Day 0

– Day of procedure was almost a bit surreal!

You wake up, for me not really hungry I hardly ever eat before 10am, so I made my way to London which took just over an hour and 20, I had a venue change, my surgery did not take place at MYA Fitzriva, but at Harley Health village so when I eventually got there I was greeted by a healthcare assistant taken to my room and then had the basics done, BP height and weight, vital signs and then changed into my operative paper gear!

The Nurse then came in and asked how I was, shoed me where to put my things and where things were, I filled out a post op food choice ! and then just waited for the surgeon and anaethestist. I was mainly nervous about going under general, I have terrible veins and hate needles so that was my biggest fear as I have never had any surgery before!

Mr Jofilly then came in and had a very nice chat, again limited but it was nice I felt assured he marker penned me up and  I was ready to go just had to see the Anaethetist next!


Going under wasnt that bad its over so quick! the canula insertion hurt as I knew it would took them 2 attempts!


Coming around post op was painful, I remember being in and out of consciousness but having some intense pain and boy it was INTENSE! I asked the nurse for painkillers and they got them right away which helped soooo much! after that the plan was settled.

My sister came after a couple hours and I was given food to eat, helped to mobile to the bathroom where omg th leaking started!! It wasnt scary it just felt like I was peeing myself down my legs! but the nurse and HCA helped me get sorted then back into bed and I KOd again, that GA was good stuff!!

After some more sleep I was ready to try and get dressed to head home, th eHCA helped me dress and this is when the 4D vest came into play, its horrible and makes it SO SO SO hard to do anything, they padded me up with inco sheets so I wouldn’t leak and then me and my sister got a taxi home!

How was your recovery?

Day 1

– the first day post the surgery.

OMG awful, the pain, the moving, the vest, THE SMELLS.

Its probably the worst day of them all, you cannot do much yourself, im so lucky I had my sister present she literally did everything for me bless her.

Your tired still arm the GA, you not hungry, you can move and omg the smell of the leaky fluid is just stomach churning. you’ll spend most of this day in bed unless moving to the toilet and back again! Sleep it off!


Day 2

Second day post surgery, you feel a bit better today, make sure your taking your drugs every 4-6 hours as directed on the box!! The worst part of today was the not being able to shower, three days for me was wayyyyyy to long. I could not bear the feel of being unshowered and smelling of blood fluid it was awful. You feel better today though, I got moving out of bed mobilised up and downstairs and just tried a little less time in bed! I must stress the importance of taking your arnica pills, these made the WHOLE world of a difference for me. I had minimal bruising mainly on my flanks, NONE on my abdomen at all, and she on my upper bra roll.


Day 3


I woke up and had my first MLD massage today, prior to going got that I was determined to shower – my sister helped my undo the ratchet 4D vest and we very slowly got into the shower, I needed a stool to sit on as I felt very hot and dizzy (make sure you with someone as the vest is compression so adjusts the BP), I didn’t run water over any of my areas I had laser on but just sat in the shower and used a flannel to feel human again! I then got redressed and headed to my massage.

MLD is amazing, it a little painful at first because I was so raw, they reccomend these from day 2, but I would have probably cried! Day 3 was okay for me and I found a wonderful and gentle lady closer to home who just made the massage experience so nice for me. She started gentle and has increased pressure each time I go to get the lumps out.

Day 7

– Im 1 week post op and omg it feels so good to know only 3 more weeks of this vest!!!!!!!!!!

I feel great now, im out an about, had my post op app with the nurse she’s happy with the wounds all dressings can come off after the weekend and then showers as normal!!

She was gentle took some post op pics, I love my results already, my PC saw them and said they look amazing but she can see im still swollen so ive still got a way to go to slim down!!

I took in total a week and 2 days off work (the way I work it worked well excl weekends) so Ive got some really good time off post the surgery, the most uncomfortable thing I think about going back to work is going to be the vest as I am conitnoulsy in and out of my chair and I find the vest is most uncomfortable for me when im going from sitting to standing, so I may be taking some painkillers with me as an in case although I think this is more to do with the numbness wearing off from the flank sites!


Are you happy with your results?

At the moment yes, I am hoping to slim down further, my belly is completely flat!! I can also see that my love handles are gone, but as im still swollen I think the massages are going to make a huge difference with getting those lumps outs and bringing the shape to life!


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