• bryxoxo posted an update in the group Rhinolasty bible: 12 years, 6 months ago

    @purplec93 You need to know that surgery can cost anywhere from £3500 – 7000, that the full recovery time will take up to 1 year although the majority of the swelling goes down 6 weeks post operation and that you will need at least 1 week off work to rest post operation, although you feel well enough to work by the 2nd week I would still advice taking it off, your cast will be removed 10-12 days post surgery and Dr Gonschior is Mya’s face specialist so does most rhinoplasty surgery’s booked with them.
    Book him for a free consultation so he can analyse what you would like and if it is acheivable, he can show you photos of his previous work too so you get an idea!!!
    The recovery is fine you will feel uncomfortable and groggy for the 1st week and the worst of your bruising will appear day 3 post op!!! Rest is the most important thing after surgery so make sure you have someone to look after you for at at least 48 hours after!!! hope this helps 🙂 xxx