charlilou posted an update in the group ** implant sizes**: 12 years, 5 months ago
Having my op 2 weeks today and am worried ill wake up and they’ll be too big or not big enough! I’m currently a size 10-12 5ft 6 and will be having a 365 and 400 cc inspia implants … Any one got any advice or know how big I’m going to be? I love the size n shape of frank or Essex an wld love to be able to achieve that! Thanks guy!
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At a guess id say her boobs would be at least 600cc hun. X
Go for the biggest, i had 525 overs and i was torn between 460 n 525 n am so glad i went for the 525 coz if they were any smaller i wud of been very dissapointed.. If u go for the. 365 i can imagine u cud b dissapointed x
Always go for the bigger size as they never look that big once in,especially if under the muscle.
I’ve now been told you loose 20% of the size under the muscle. I was not informed of this before my procedure and am very disappointed now.
Everyone I’ve spoken to under or over has said they are happy they chose the bigger or gutted they hadn’t.
Good luck hun