@demimae · Active 4 years, 11 months ago
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Replied to the topic Nearly 1 year post op and still feel discomfort. Is it nerves?
6 years, 8 months agoStarted the topic ISSUES 1 YEAR POST OP
6 years, 8 months agoDemi and Summer are now friends!
Demi and Kirsty are now friends!
Becca and Demi are now friends!
Emma and Demi are now friends!
ellie sophie and Demi are now friends!
Elizabeth Scott Smith and Demi are now friends!
Cath and Demi are now friends!
Chloe and Demi are now friends!
Alice Hughes and Demi are now friends!
Demi and Daisy are now friends!
Chelsea and Demi are now friends!
Vicki and Demi are now friends!
victoria and Demi are now friends!
Tula and Demi are now friends!
Teresa and Demi are now friends!
Stephanie and Demi are now friends!
Kelly and Demi are now friends!
Laura and Demi are now friends!
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