• audra posted an update 10 years, 2 months ago

    There are a numerous risk factors that are associated with lung cancer. The most common known causes are as follows:

    Smoking Cigarettes

    Smoking cigarettes is probably the most closely associated link to developing lung cancer. Be taught more on the affiliated encyclopedia – Visit this webpage: clinical trial sites. A person who smokes two packs or more of cigarettes daily features a one in seven chance of developing lung cancer. Those that smoke one pack of cigarettes per day have a twenty-five times greater potential for developing lung cancer than a non-smoker. In addition, those individuals that smoke a pipe or cigar have a five times greater potential for devel-oping lung cancer than a non-smoker.

    The chance of developing lung cancer increases with the number of cigarettes smoked over your whole life. Cigarette smoking damages the cells in your lungs. The minute you stop-smoking, your lungs begin healing themselves, replacing broken cells with healthy, normal cells. Your risk of developing lung cancer begins decreasing very nearly instantly once you quit smoking. Annually that you do not smoke, your likelihood of developing lung cancer drop more. By the fifteenth year, your odds of devel-oping lung cancer are comparable as those of a person who has never used.

    Second-hand Smoking

    Also known as inactive smoking, people exposed to second-hand smoke o-n a regular basis could have an increased risk of devel-oping lung cancer, even if they do not smoke themselves. Studies have shown that people who stay with a smoker have a 24% greater risk of developing lung cancer than most non-smokers. Medical practioners estimate that about 3000 lung cancer deaths per year are associated with secondhand smoke.

    Asbestos Exposure

    Exposure to asbestos is another cause of lung cancer and asbestos – cancer of the pleural lining of the lungs. Asbestos was trusted in construction and everyday products within the late 1800s through the 1960s. Asbestos separates in to good silica fibers that become trapped in the tissues of the lungs. Mesothelioma is inextricably connected to asbestos exposure. There are no documented cases of mesothelioma in individuals who weren’t subjected to asbestos either in the workplace or through their environment. A non-smoker who was exposed to asbestos has a five times greater risk of developing lung cancer than a non-smoker who was not exposed. Smoking increases the risk significantly – a smoker who was exposed to asbestos has a risk of developing lung cancer that’s 50 to 90 times higher than that of the non-smoker.

    Radon Fuel

    It is estimated that about 120-year of lung cancer deaths may be related to radon gas, a colorless, odorless gas that is an all-natural result of the decay of uranium. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that as much as 15-100 of homes in america have unsafe quantities of radon gas, which may account for 15,000 to 22,000 deaths from lung cancer yearly.


    Researchers estimate that up to a large number of all lung cancer deaths are due to air-pollution. They genuinely believe that prolonged experience of very polluted air may improve the risks of developing lung cancer to about the degrees of a passive smoker.ViS Headquarters

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