• georgette posted an update 10 years, 1 month ago

    Birth control pills or hormonal oral contraception, while they are also known, are offered for various side effects like lighter and frequent intervals, better skin, less menstrual cramping, and reduced risks for specific cancers. However, different women could have varying reactions to the hormones in oral contraceptives. As such, the unwanted effects of contraceptive pills can vary from positive to negative based on the body’s reactions to the artificial hormones. Listed here are some of the not-so-nice negative effects of oral contraception and approaches to control them:

    Light, in-between period bleeding

    Some women might experience bleeding in-between periods if they begin using oral contraceptives. While uncomfortable, this side-effect is only an indicator that your body is adjusting to the introduction of additional hormones. This side-effect might continue for up to three months but will ultimately go. Applying sanitary pads, low-absorbency tampons, and panty liners can make in-between time bleeding more manageable. Learn additional resources on our partner web site by visiting provillus hair treatment. It’s also generally recommended that women who experience this side-effect should take iron supplements to combat anemia.

    Missed period

    Alternately, the body may miss times in the length of adjusting to oral contraceptive use. While this really is somewhat much better than bleeding, a woman feeling bloated can be left by skipped periods. Decreasing sodium intake can minimize water retention and the feeling. However, if pill use is inconsistent or there are occasions of missed pill intakes, medical attention must certanly be sought particularly if a lady engaged in unprotected intercourse for possible pregnancy.


    Because of improved hormones in the torso, a female may feel sick and dizzy when using oral contraceptives. If you think anything at all, you will perhaps fancy to learn about losing hair women. Visiting read this seemingly provides suggestions you could use with your sister. The best way to manage this really is to chart when the dizzy spells come or the nausea is triggered by what. For instance, if dizzy spells are experienced an hour or two after taking the pill, a woman must look into changing the schedule of her pill absorption to a time like before bedtime. Holding smelling salts or soothing aromatherapy oils will make moving dizzy spells easier.

    Fat change

    Although weight is lost by some women when taking oral contraceptives, a more substantial number studies enduring weight gain when taking birth control pills. While studies show that there is number causal connection between oral contraception and weight gain, they suggest that a big percentage of the reported upsurge in weight of pill users are based on how women answer the mood swings and other negative effects of pill use. Women could manage their weight when taking oral contraceptives by training percentage control, remaining active, and maintaining a wholesome diet.

    Along side it effects listed above can be experienced by many product users. They are easily workable and are also minimal. But, if some of the following side effects are experienced, a woman is advised to seek medical attention and keep in touch with her gynecologist or clinician about other contraception options:

    * severe chest pains or shortness of breath

    * severe and chronic abdominal pain

    * frequent migraine attacks or throbbing headaches

    * moderate to severe leg pains

    * vision impairment.