@donna123111 · Active 8 years, 2 months ago
About me
• 34a Tuberous breast, want to acheive a C/D cup
• Initial consultation with my PC Cloe on 28th June 2016. I was recommended to intially meet with Dr. Marcellino
• Consultation with Mr. Marcellino on 19th July 2016. He told me I had tuberous breasts so I started researching >>
• I decided I wanted a surgeon that was experienced in Tuberous breast correction>>
•Surgeon consultation booked. 16th August 2016 with Dr. Linda Fiumara
• Surgeon consultation complete. I have been recommended a Mastopexy uplift/ Areola reduction and implants, mod plus, 375cc left and 350cc right (asymmetry), placement decided in surgery
• Pre-op** to be decided**
• Surgery booked! Op date: 16th January 2017 with Dr. Linda Fiumara. Due to holiday at work and Fiumara’s busy schedule!
PC: Cloe Jordan
Clinic Location: London Fitzroy
Hospital: Fitzroy, London
Surgeon: Dr. Linda Fiumara
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Booked Surgery
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My Stats
Age: 25 years old
• Height: 5ft 6
• Weight: 9st 7lbs
• Current cup size: A cup Tuberous breast
• Desired cup size: Full C / D
• Clothes size: 10/ 12
• Recommended cc: 350 & 375
• Recommended profile: Mod Plus
• Recommended placement: To be decided in surgery (I would like unders)
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