

Emma Herbert

About me

Open septo rhinoplasty 08/11/21

Bristol clinic and surgery at New Victoria Hospital with Dr Giannas.

What Stage of the Cosmetic Surgery process are you at?

Post Surgery

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Patient Story

Why did you want the procedure?

I have always been insecure about my nose since I was 14 and have contemplated surgery over the years. I am due to get married in 2022 and that was the final push I needed to go ahead with the procedure. My concerns was the dorsal hump and the projection of my nose and tip pointing down.

I met with Dr Giannas and he explained the procedure to me and also advised I had a deviated septum which would be corrected during the surgery also.

I am 6 days post op writing this and am slightly concerned as my nostrils are completely different shapes and sizes which is very noticeable face on and even more so when looking up my nose. I am hoping this will even out as the swelling subsides. I will keep my detail updated as the healing process continues.

Why did you choose MYA?

Mya had very good reviews from the research I done, I also had a friend who used mya several years ago and her surgery was successful and gave her th results she wanted so felt they were the right choice for me.

How was your consultation?

My consultation was OK, I was very nervous and didn’t ask all the questions I wanted to as there was someone else in the room and I felt insecure about asking in the moment. My surgeon Dr giannas was very calming and helpful. He answered my questions very well and put a lot of my concerns at ease.

How was the day of your procedure?

The day of my procedure was not ideal. Due to Covid I had to travel up the morning of which was a 3 hour drive from Wales to London. As you are not allowed to eat 6 hours before surgery my last meal was 8pm the night before and I did not go through to theatre until 4pm so I felt very weak and agitated. It would of been helpful to be given my surgery time 24 hours before so I could of been more prepared.

How was your recovery?

I am 6 days post op so still very early into my recovery. I am very concerned as my nostrils are different shapes and sizes which is very noticeable front on and even more so looking up my nose. I am hoping when I see the nurse to have my case of they can explain why this is and hope that swelling will reduce over the next few weeks. I wish I had been more prepared for the changes with my nostrils as apart from them my recovery has gone well.

Are you happy with your results?

So far I am unhappy as I am 6 days post surgery. I hope my nostrils will even out as the swelling subsides however, if this does not change after the first 6 weeks I will be expremely unhappy as I raised concerns about my nostrils with my surgeon and he assured me they would be OK.


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