• Gabriella x posted an update 11 years, 11 months ago

    @timbo Hi Hunny!
    Cant believe youve finally had it done!! congrats. How you feeling? xx

    • Hey, how’s it going? I can’t believe I done it too…apparently it took 3 and a half hours… And I was out for 5. My eyes are very black and swollen and my nose is completely blocked. Looking at my nose with the cast on it looks so much better. I literally didn’t get any sleep last night so feeling a bit tired. Xx

    • Yeh good thanks!. Oh wow! yeh i was out for like 4ish!… Yep thats all part of it. even tho it does get better within a few days! try and get some arnica cream that really reduces bruising! within time youll be able to breath but until then your mouth is ur best friend!! haha. Yeh just wait till it comes off! … whens ur cast off date?. aw yeh youll get used to the blockd nose and that soon so you;ll get some sleep soon enough xx

      • Wow 4 hours, apparently the nurse said I was out for 5 hours but they must have left me there for a while as mr g said it was 3.5 hours. I tell you what gab, it’s the most depressing thing staying in like this, In still completky blocked up and it sounds so gross but I’m like oozing snot. I kind I look scary at the moment as I’ve got dried blood and stitches on my nostrils. I have to go to have the wounds checked on we’d so I should imagine it will be early next week when this cast can come off. X

        • Yeh can take a while to wake up n that!! Ong i know i stayed in for like 2 days n started goin out all bruised i didnt care! I got my nails done, went shopping i got stared at like no tomorrow but i was like do one! Yeh youll be blocked for a while n the oozing will stop eventually! You usin your lil catcher thingy under your nose? Wen the stitches come out youll be feeling much better!! You starting to sleep now? xx

          • Ha ha I popped out to Tescos yesterday and the looks I got. The woman working there asked me if I was alright, I made a joke about it and said ‘I’m alright, you wanna see the other guy’. She thought it was funny at least lol. ITs so annoying being blocked but even more annoying is the super dry lips, I’ve been using my lip balm like there’s no tomorrow. From what I can see I think the new shape is better but bit sure if it looks weird or just because I’m not used to it. My sleep is much better now thanks for asking, the recovery is the hardest part isn’t it. Not looking forward to avoiding the sun for up to a year. X x