• Gabriella x posted an update 11 years, 10 months ago


    Nose looks fab!! xx

    • Ahh thanks Gab, unfortunately it doesn’t look like that any more, my tip is fairly swollen, and looks like it’s dropped a bit. Lost some definition 🙁 x

      • dw babe im having a hard time with mine! My tips so swollen still gettin on my nerves! ive resorted to sleeping upright and takin ibrofen to try and reduce it! Nearly a year now seeing Dr G may 31st hope he can give me some sort of insight as to when its gonna finally piss off! haha xx

        • Oh dear, that’s a long time to be swollen isn’t it. I bet your gonna wake up one day and the swelling will have just gone. Mine looked really good last week and now it’s not lol. It’s my first day back at work today and I’m still bruised and slightly swollen on my cheeks. Not a good look. Xx

          • I know! its depressing he did do alot of work but this has been the worst day yet! but i spose it has to get worse before it gets better i guess… Fingers crossed its gone soon!
            Swellin is always up n down! welcome to the road of recovery! haha xx

            • Well if it’s any concellation I think your photos look great !! But I know what it’s like, what you know is swollen other people probably won’t notice. Apparently a good tip to help reduce swelling is to try and cut back on salt as it makes you retain fluid etc./. I’m still so bunged up I can’t breathe lol.. Not really loving all this recovery stuff… How hard is all this x x