Why did you want the procedure? |
For many years I have always wanted a boob job but never actually seriously thought about doing it until this year.
Why did you choose MYA? |
I have heard so many amazing things about MYA. It seems such a trustworthy company. I am so glad I chose MYA.
How was your consultation? |
My first consultation was so good, I had a good chat with my PC Aimee about what I wanted from the procedure and what MYA could offer to me. I met with my surgeon on the 5th April 2016 where he considered the best size for my petite frame which would be 225cc high profile. I don’t want anything too big with me being so small. My surgeon is going to be DR Kazzazi at the Natural Look Clinic
How was the day of your procedure? |
Are you happy with your results? |