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Over 6 months post surgery
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Started the topic sore boobs after 10 months
12 years, 2 months agoChelsieWorley. and hannah24 are now friends!
Lauren and hannah24 are now friends!
Holly and hannah24 are now friends!
Nicki and hannah24 are now friends!
Replied to the topic 6 weeks post op – Will my boobs look less fake over time?
12 years, 2 months agohannah24 and are now friends!
12 years, 6 months agohannah24 and are now friends!
12 years, 8 months agohannah24 and are now friends!
12 years, 9 months agohannah24 and are now friends!
12 years, 10 months agohannah24 and are now friends!
12 years, 10 months agohannah24 and are now friends!
12 years, 10 months agohannah24 and are now friends!
12 years, 11 months agoStart a live chat session with one of our expert advisors.