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Stephanie Smith



About me

Clinic: Newcastle
PC: Julie
Surgeon: Moniur

What Stage of the Cosmetic Surgery process are you at?

Over 1 year post surgery

Are you a MYA patient?


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My Stats

34B pre op
9.7 stone
Size 10 on top
Size 10 bottom
Had 350cc HP under the muscle on 9th November
34D post op






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Breast Augmentation





Patient Story

Why did you want the procedure?

So breast augmentation is something I’ve been looking at since I was 16. After putting it off until I was older I then started uni, bought a house, got married, bought another house and then had my little boy, so things really got in the way. But in the mean time my boobs went from little and perky to floppy and well just not nice, not womanly.
I had achieved everything in my life and always put others first so now it was my time to get what I wanted and I made that call to have a consultation. It was beyond nerve wracking to say the least but a weight had been lifted once I put the phone down.

Why did you choose MYA?

After researching for over 12 years I thought I’d try a few places. MYA was honestly at the bottom of my list but as soon as I walked into the clinic I knew they were right for me. From the start I felt so relaxed and they listened to me and what I wanted before answering my thousand questions, bless my PC for all of that nit picking I did.

How was your consultation?

Having a medical background made finding the right surgeon a priority for me. Upon meeting my surgeon I knew I had to book him. He was so level headed and straight to the point, no messing about just like me. He also had a dry sense of humour which made things less formal and relaxed.

How was the day of your procedure?

So my D-day was 9th November and leading up to it I had my moments of total melt down and no longer wanted the op due to being put under anesthetic. I was more than exited about my new boobs though and that I was eventually going to have some. I was the last case of the day so went in at 3 and then eventually tootled off to theatre about 5. The hardest part for me was trying to stay awake in that stupidly comfey bed before they came to collect me

How was your recovery?

So I’m now one day post surgery and I’m not gonna lie it hurts. It’s more as if I’ve pulled the muscle in my chest and back to be honest. Plenty of pain killers for me today and rest.

Are you happy with your results?

So two days post op and the pain is starting to subside. I’ve plucked up the courage to have a proper look at my new additions to the family and I’m more than impressed. I look pretty damn awesome to be honest and wondering why I never did it sooner. I now feel like a woman and no longer a prepubescent teen. It’s been an amazing journey which I still have a bit too go but so far it’s like a skip in the park rather than a climb up a mountin and I put that down to the support of my family and MYA.

Over 6 months since my operation and such a transformation it’s made to my life. I am now the person I had always dreamed of being, mentally and physically. I am so much more confident, I’ve never cried once trying on clothes since my operation and I have a killer body to.

I’m glad I did this and my only regret is that I never did it sooner.


I’m now 5 years post op and still feel amazing. They are alot more natural now and less perky which I’m not sure about but that’s something I will get to terms with. I did breast feed 2 years ago and I think this made the natural change a bit quicker. Overall I still love them and would go through it all again.


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