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  • Height

    5ft 3

  • Weight

    7 stone 11

  • Bra size


  • Clinic location


  • Procedures


  • Surgeon

    Dr frati

  • Age





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5ft 3


7 stone 11

Bra size


Clinic location





Dr frati



Patient Story

Why did you want the procedure?

As my boobs only grew to a tiny 32aa and that’s being polite to myself !
I have always wanted larger boobs for as long as I can remember but I never thought BA would ever be a realistic option , until I met my friend Hayley who also got hers done at MYA with the amazing Dr frati and it made it seem that much more real.

Why did you choose MYA?

As I mentioned above my friend got hers done with Mya last year and they look amazing ! After doing hours and hours of research MYA always came out on top .

How was your consultation?

My consultation was brilliant ! It was just like sitting there having a chat with your friend I felt really at ease . I got to try on implants and talk about my recommended surgeon (Dr frati) I ended up booking my operation at my first consultation :).

How was the day of your procedure?

It sounds strange but it was a pleasurable experience . When I arrived I got given my gown socks etc.. I had to do a Pregnancy test and have my blood pressure and General health checked. Dr frati came in and drew on me it was quite funny and arqward but you trust him straight away . The best thing about it is I was sharing a room with my friend I have been speaking to on the forum which we both said made us feel so much better . I got called to theatre about half an hour after seeing Dr frati and the staff where so funny and calming I actually laughed my way through the canula and being put to sleep , considering its my first time !
I woke up with two lovely nurses talking to me and we was laughing and joking again , they gave me morphine while I was asleep but I told them it was still painful so they gave me more pain relief then off I went back to my room 🙂 they called my boyfriend up and brang me tea and toast which was lovely . No sickness so I was ready to go after a few hours.

How was your recovery?

Recovery was as to be expected , very painful the first few days my boyfriend had to help me do everything but by day 5 pain has subsided loads ! Now managing to do everything my self .

Are you happy with your results?

Aka currently still have strapping on


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