Replied to the topic Roughly same stats as me? Recommended size ?
6 years, 12 months agoReplied to the topic Don't think I'm going to have enough painkillers to last me?
6 years, 12 months agoStarted the topic Post op = 11 hours Mr Traynor @ Manchester/Preston
6 years, 12 months agoReplied to the topic 34B? Smaller boobs uplift needed?
6 years, 12 months agoJoanne and K.mull are now friends!
7 years agoReplied to the topic Uplift with 250, 275 or 300cc implants?
7 years agoReplied to the topic Roughly same stats as me? Recommended size ?
7 years agoJoanne and Jessica are now friends!
7 years agoReplied to the topic Roughly same stats as me? Recommended size ?
7 years agoReplied to the topic Roughly same stats as me? Recommended size ?
7 years agoJoanne changed their profile picture 7 years ago
7 years agoUpdated their profile
7 years agoStarted the topic Uplift with 250, 275 or 300cc implants?
7 years agoJoanne and Jo are now friends!
7 years, 1 month agoReplied to the topic Uplifts and implants 325 size
7 years, 1 month agoReplied to the topic Uplift and 250cc implants
7 years, 1 month agoJoanne became a registered member 7 years ago
7 years, 1 month agoStart a live chat session with one of our expert advisors.