About me
Newcastle clinic
Pc Julie
425cc HP partials – Mr Traynor
What Stage of the Cosmetic Surgery process are you at?
Post Surgery
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My Stats
Height 5.10
size 10
34a pre op
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Replied to the topic Size help 5'10 : 32A : size 10 chosen 375cc
6 years, 6 months agoReplied to the topic New boobies! 425cc overs
6 years, 7 months agoReplied to the topic 375cc or 400cc overs?
6 years, 8 months agoReplied to the topic Weight loss
6 years, 11 months agoReplied to the topic 1 year post op 450 overs
6 years, 11 months agoReplied to the topic weird sensation when bending down
6 years, 11 months agoReplied to the topic 400cc under muscle is May!! Need advice!!!
6 years, 11 months agoReplied to the topic Worried
6 years, 11 months agoStarted the topic Worried
6 years, 11 months agoReplied to the topic Nipple Piercing and dr traynor
6 years, 11 months agoReplied to the topic Gym
6 years, 12 months agoReplied to the topic Has anyone actually lost weight during recovery?
7 years agoReplied to the topic Sore boob
7 years agoStarted the topic Sore boob
7 years agoReplied to the topic Who has had mr traynor?
7 years agoReplied to the topic 4WPO Update
7 years agoReplied to the topic Boux Avenue
7 years agoReplied to the topic Comparison pic
7 years agoStarted the topic Comparison pic
7 years agoReplied to the topic Worried 🙁
7 years agoStart a live chat session with one of our expert advisors.