View my stats
  • Height

    5 ft 2

  • Weight

    70kg / 11 stone ish

  • Bra size

    34DD (Was 36 A-B)

  • Clinic location

    Fitzroy Square

  • Procedures

    Breast Enlargement

  • Surgeon

    Dr Syed Mashhadi

  • Age





What Stage of the Cosmetic Surgery process are you at?

Over 6 months post surgery

Are you a MYA patient?


I agree with the terms and conditions


My Stats

I had a Breast Augmentation on the 24th March 2019 at the Fitzroy in London.

My surgeon was Dr Mashhadi.

I had 400cc round textured implants, subfascial placement.

I used to be an empty 34/36B and now am a 34DD.

I couldn’t be happier <3



5 ft 2


70kg / 11 stone ish

Bra size

34DD (Was 36 A-B)

Clinic location

Fitzroy Square


Breast Enlargement


Dr Syed Mashhadi



Patient Story

Why did you want the procedure?

I felt my breasts were out of proportion with my hips. I wanted to achieve a more hour glass silhouette and there wasn’t really a way to increase boob size at my gym.

Why did you choose MYA?

I had the most confidence in them after doing my research

How was your consultation?

Brilliant! All the team was so professional and everything was explained to me. I fully understood the decisions I was making and how they would benefit or affect me.

How was the day of your procedure?

I stayed the night before in London as my admission time was early morning. I walked to the Fitzroy and then after a short wait in the waiting room, I was shown to my room. All the staff were lovely, especially my nurse.

I got dressed in hairnet, gown, surgical stockings, slippers and provided a urine sample. I saw my surgeon, anesthetist and nurse, all of whom had paperwork for me to sign and questions. Shortly after that, much to my surprise, I was collected for surgery.

Going to sleep was fine, it was complete lights out and I have absolutely no memory of anything. A couple of fuzzy ones after being woken up and finally completely lucid and aware about 30 minutes after back in my room.

I was hit hard with nausea afterwards from the General Anaesthetic and my blood pressure dropped, however, the nurses took such good care of me. I saw my surgeon again before I left for home that night.

I wish I could have taken my nurse home with me!

How was your recovery?

I did develop a cough a few days after the procedure which made the pain worse, but coughs after surgery in chest areas are normal and so I was not concerned. Once the cough cleared up I stopped using the pain meds, so I wasn’t on them for a full week.

I didn’t really have much bruising. One boob was lower and less swollen than the other however that sorted itself out and is/was completely normal.

I did opt for a bigger size than what my surgeon suggested and I believe that did have an impact on how well I recovered. Stretch marks is a risk anyway with augmentation and the likelyhood increases if you go above the recommended implant size range given to you by your surgeon. I did get stretch marks (around about the 8 week mark) however they are fading nicely with bio oil and I still love my boobs!

I am 7 months post-op now,  and I will never get used to certain delivery guys’ eyes straying downwards, but I do find that rather flattering! I paid a lot of money, I damn well hope they are attractive to catch people’s eyes haha!

I am still wearing sports bra’s, I do like the thought of the extra support they give me as I want my boobs to last a long time.

My instagram is @ huskitalife if you would like to see pictures! No nudes I’m afraid but I am more than happy to discuss and talk about anything, so feel free to DM me! <3

Are you happy with your results?

I am super happy! Thankyou to MYA and all the team for my amazing result <3


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