@kellyhills · Active 5 years, 10 months ago
Kelly-marie (Tinks)
About me
my name is kelly-marie and i went to MYA on 15th january for my initial consultation with Hannah Matthews which who i may add is a GEM, also clinical manager Heather Jones also a lovely, both have worked with me in my journey which hasn’t had the best start, however finally we are booked in for the procedure a second time on the 28th April, i paid in full on the first consultation 15th Jan 2019,,went to a pre op assessment a week later and booked in for 14th febuary, but to my devastation it was postponed 24 hours before, due to the clinical team needing MORE medical history and information about myself my past, medication and back ground on myself, however it did knock my confidence my dreams built up then shattered within weeks and its not something i have rushed into its something i have wanted desired dreamt about for over 20yrs plus, in past years ive had the money however due to past personal issues , past partners holding me back, i never put myself first also being a mother to 3 amazing boys 15,11 and 2yrs i couldn’t really justify it, and i felt i was being selfish, however ive my 1st love back were happier than ever and hes so supportive in me doing this and understands the reasons why i want it also, i have been back and forth to my doctors to get all information required for them and finally the ball is rolling and all goes to plan on 28th April, i am having 250 mentor behind the 3rd muscle , i breastfeed all three of my boys and would love to again in future, if more children, i want as natural as possible, i dont want massive just a shape, want to be able to buy fancy underwear and not hide myself behind my braids, i hate undressing in front of my partner, wearin bikinis is a dreaded fare swimming etc, but being pregnant i get that chest amazing but cant keep havin children too have the chest lol,, eekkk seriously cant wait finally not long to wait,, xx PC Hannah Matthews, clinical manager Heather Jones surgeon Dr slaiter, Fitzroy square, Euston, London
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My Stats
I am currently 5ft 8inchs tall weigh roughly 7stone 4pounds, im a 30AA cup, going for 250cc mentor behind the 3rd muscle ,wanting the most natural look as possible
Started the topic Being denied a procedure due to past drug addiction
5 years, 10 months agoTBaker and Kelly-marie (Tinks) are now friends!
Kelly-marie (Tinks) and Amy halliwell are now friends!
Replied to the topic scared 225cc will be to big
5 years, 11 months agoReplied to the topic Macom bra for sale
5 years, 11 months agoStarted the topic Advice please ladies,,
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5 years, 11 months agoKelly-marie (Tinks) changed their profile picture 5 years, 11 months ago
5 years, 11 months agoKelly-marie (Tinks) became a registered member 6 years ago
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