Kerry Atkin
About me
5ft 1
7stone 8
surgery 14th Jan 350cc with mr mileto
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Replied to the topic Anyone struggling/struggled with recovery
5 years, 1 month agoStarted the topic Anyone struggling/struggled with recovery
5 years, 1 month agoReplied to the topic Will compression strap lower high implant
5 years, 1 month agoReplied to the topic Will compression strap lower high implant
5 years, 1 month agoSarah Shep and Kerry Atkin are now friends!
Lucy and Kerry Atkin are now friends!
Levi xox and Kerry Atkin are now friends!
Replied to the topic Will compression strap lower high implant
5 years, 1 month agoReplied to the topic Nearly 3 months post op 250cc and 275cc
5 years, 1 month agoStarted the topic Will compression strap lower high implant
5 years, 1 month agoReplied to the topic Saggyish boobs before and after pics please 350cc
5 years, 1 month agoStarted the topic 3 day PO one boob swollen?
5 years, 1 month agoReplied to the topic Day two post opp, nipples down? Is it normal
5 years, 1 month agoReplied to the topic Think I need revision surgery…PLEASE HELP:(
5 years, 1 month agoStarted the topic Day two post opp, nipples down? Is it normal
5 years, 1 month agoStarted the topic Day one post opp. When did u have a look?
5 years, 1 month agoReplied to the topic Saggyish boobs before and after pics please 350cc
5 years, 1 month agoAnna and Kerry Atkin are now friends!
maya henry and Kerry Atkin are now friends!
Replied to the topic Borderline lift – 350cc HP overs
5 years, 1 month agoStart a live chat session with one of our expert advisors.