About me
Had 560cc overs on Tuesday 29th October with Dr Traynor in Preston 🙂
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Post Surgery
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Katie and laurasarah are now friends!
Emma and laurasarah are now friends!
laurasarah and alexia are now friends!
laurasarah and Ashlee are now friends!
Replied to the topic Work night out 5 days after my op adice please
11 years, 3 months agoSarah and laurasarah are now friends!
jade and laurasarah are now friends!
cassieanne and laurasarah are now friends!
Replied to the topic Dr Traynor 560cc, HP, Overs 29th October .. Picture Uploaded 🙂
11 years, 3 months agolaurasarah changed their profile picture 11 years, 3 months ago
11 years, 3 months agotrish and laurasarah are now friends!
Sarah and laurasarah are now friends!
Louise and laurasarah are now friends!
laurasarah and Holly are now friends!
happyme and laurasarah are now friends!
laurasarah and angels24 are now friends!
Replied to the topic Dr Traynor 560cc, HP, Overs 29th October .. Picture Uploaded 🙂
11 years, 4 months agohappybunny! and laurasarah are now friends!
HappyMyaGirl and laurasarah are now friends!
laurasarah and Kasey are now friends!
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