• leanda posted an update 11 years, 6 months ago

    I’ve got boobs! 450cc overs yesterday with Mr Frati, in a lot of pain but so far so good! Pics up soon xx

    • Hi,
      how did it go?? Were you stressed before? I am having mine done in over a week. I am so jealous! Show us some pics please xx

      • It went really well! It was relaxing and almost like a hotel, I wasn’t actually nervous at all (except for having the drip and drains in/out… I hated that haha). Glad I went for 450cc now! I’m not sure how much of my boob is bandage and how much is my new boob, but they look like a good shape and size!
        I’ll get my boyfriend to take some pics and I’ll put them up today 🙂

        Hope your excited! Mr Frati did good (apart from calling me Louise all the time!? Ha) so yea i was right to trust him! Xx