• lisabrown88 posted an update in the group Mr. Chantarasak girls!!!: 13 years, 2 months ago

    Lots of bad press so….. here is my thoughts on Mr C.
    (and remember u v rarely hear the happy storys! Think of how many procedures the surgeons have done 1000’s and 1000’s so the percentage of bad ones is very low, we just happen to hear about them) xx
    Hi girls been reading through the posts on here I rarely come on now, I am 3months PO.
    410cc over’s MR C 4TH Oct from 34b now 34e.

    I have to write and say to all the girls having MR C please dont worry, he is a fantastic surgeon, my breasts look and feel SO natural, my scar is SOOO teeny tiny and he has measured them perfectly so my breast folds over the scar- so you cannot see it unless I actually lift my breasts up.

    Unfortuantely not enough people log on and write positive stories- only the bad ones get written about.

    I know some girls are having problems on here, but I dont think we can just blame the surgeon. These problems probably would of occurred even if another surgeon had done the op.

    I found him to be very quiet and direct upon my first consultation with him, however he is very knowledgeable in his field, I was worrying about the size he offered me (340cc) so after speaking with my PC Lisa at Bristol (amazing lady!) she spoke with Mr C and he said for me to make another appt to see him so we can go through my concerns. He told me my breasts we slightly different shapes and sizes and didn’t sit perfectly in the middle so my bigger breasts would be the same just bigger

    On the day of surgery we both agreed to go 410cc, he managed to perform a miracle and lower the breast pocket of the smaller boob so now they seems the same shape and are at the same level

    Sorry I am officially jibbering on now, but I really wanted to put my positive story across. Mr C is a fantastic surgeon, I guess he may not be everyone’s cup of tea, due to his quiet but straight to the point attitude, but he was mine, Id rather have him tell it to me as it is then pussy foot around me.

    Lots of love Lisa.