• luc85 posted an update 11 years, 11 months ago

    @boobenvy23 are you excited?? Xxx

    • Unluckily I have got thee worst tooth ache and can’t take any painkillers or get it sorted until after my op. I am in the most amount of pain and already losing sleep at night.
      It’s upsetting because I should be really happy today but I cant even far getting off the sofa to pack my bag

      Hows your heeling coming along? Xx

      • aww babe that’s bad hope our ok! At least after your op you will be drugged up so won’t feel your tooth pain! Hope everything goes well keep in touch and let us know! I’m healing ok I think! Not too much pain xxx

        • I havent got to look at my whole boobs yet but I think everything went well and yesterday was the best experience!!
          I am not actually in that much pain at the moment and I slept through taking my tablets and am coming up to 7 hours without pain relief. Ill make sure to finish the antibiotics though for both my BA and my tooth lol.

          I am soo happy it’s unbelievable. I have started a chain reaction in my family and think Dr. Singh will have a lot my family heading his way lol.
          Thanks for your support!
