• Natasha17 posted an update 12 years, 5 months ago

    Hi girls, so here is my story. Can’t believe I am finally getting to write it and I am now officially in the post boobie club wohoooo

    So my admission time was 8am left the house around 7 adding live far away. Got there just on time and I had to fill out a form to say I was happy with everything. Then came my lovely nurse named maria who was amazing. She showed me around the room and how everything worked. Then are explained to put the gown, paper panties on and then measured me for stockings. She gave me small but they were still too big lol. Then the anaesthetist came in an went through some general questions. Round about half 10 mario came in to draw on me he did take a while but I was having a nipple lift too. Maria kept popping in checking I was ok and wasn’t bored. Then around half 11 I was taken down. Of course when they came to get me i was messing around as I could t get my tongue piercing out but finally managed. I walked down in my dressing gown and punk fluffy slippers. When I was having the canula put in he sprayed my hand with a cold spray so it took the edge off which really did work. He then said he would be going me some wine and I just said yes please do. Next thing I remember was looking at the clock at it was half 2. I was sick about 4 times but because I hadnt eaten since 7pm the night before. Maria was great kept checking on me brought me tea biscuits my jacket potato and my fruit salad but I could hardly eat any of it. On the special request I did ask for diet coke which I got and I brought some chocolate and sweeties with me hehe. I had the drains taken out which did hurt but more of a weird sensation. As I kept being sick I was let out by bout half 6.

    As soon as I got home I was sleepy but I slept like a baby all night and I’m no pain at all just feel a bit tight but can move my arms and everything. I had 380cc wanted 410 but mario said 380 as it would have stretched my skin so I am happy with his decision. Xx