• Nicoleeee posted an update 6 years ago

    Hi, I had labiaplasty yesterday with Dr Ibraheim and I’m so happy with the results already. I have labia minora reductions with clitoral hood reduction.
    I didn’t feel anything yesterday as he injected me with local anaesthetic after (I went under GA).
    I was looking on realself and people’s pictures 1/2days post op and mine looks so much bette. So far I have 0 bruising and 0 swelling. It stings a little when I pee so I’ve started peeing in the shower and using a gentle cold shower flow to hold on the area whilst I’m peeing which neutralizes it so it doesn’t sting. I then got a spray bottle from eBay and put warm water and loads of sea salt in there which I spray on after going to the bathroom and then dab with a gauze.

    I highly recommend getting bromelain 500mg and taking two tablets per day for 1 month prior to your op. Along with 6c arnica under the tounge 2 tablets 3 x a day. I think this is the reason I have 0 swelling, bruising, pain. 🙂