About me
On 12th November I had my breast augmentation with Dr fratti. I have 400cc on my right side and 420cc on my left side. I had high profile round silicone implants and they were partials 🙂
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Post Surgery
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My Stats
Age 21
Weight 11stone
Current size 34b
Replied to the topic 400cc/425cc partials post op day 4!!!
9 years, 3 months agoReplied to the topic 400cc/425cc partials post op day 4!!!
9 years, 3 months agoabigail and Rachele94 are now friends!
Replied to the topic 400cc/425cc partials post op day 4!!!
9 years, 3 months agoReplied to the topic VERY BAD CUTS FROM STRAPPING
9 years, 3 months agoChloe and Rachele94 are now friends!
Started the topic 400cc/425cc partials post op day 4!!!
9 years, 3 months agoTaylor and Rachele94 are now friends!
Rebecca and Rachele94 are now friends!
DeeDee2594 and Rachele94 are now friends!
Amy Clackstone and Rachele94 are now friends!
Amber and Rachele94 are now friends!
Started the topic 4 day Post op – I have a blister!
9 years, 3 months agoReplied to the topic Nipple sensation?! Help! Panicking!
9 years, 3 months agoShannon and Rachele94 are now friends!
Started the topic Nipple sensation?! Help! Panicking!
9 years, 3 months agoAlison and Rachele94 are now friends!
Rachele94 and Amy are now friends!
Replied to the topic Day 3 po..
9 years, 3 months agoReplied to the topic Daycase or Nightcase? help!
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