@ruth24 · Active 5 years, 2 months ago
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Ruth and Pennelope are now friends!
Sophie and Ruth are now friends!
Leanne and Ruth are now friends!
sammie and Ruth are now friends!
Heather and Ruth are now friends!
Rebecca and Ruth are now friends!
Started the topic 6 weeks PO – pics uploaded of teardrops
10 years, 3 months agoEllie and Ruth are now friends!
kiki87 and Ruth are now friends!
Zahava and Ruth are now friends!
Mercedes and Ruth are now friends!
Ruth and Laurie are now friends!
Harriet and Ruth are now friends!
Trace and Ruth are now friends!
Lauren and Ruth are now friends!
Started the topic 350cc teardrops. 29 days PO picture uploaded
10 years, 3 months agosarah and Ruth are now friends!
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