About me
Hey! My names Shannen I’m 21 & currently wearing a 34a bra, wanted my breasts done for so long and want them to mine with no debt so as of August 1st I plan on saving with mya piggy bank and paying for them by April/may 2015 with me Singh! Wish me luck <3
What Stage of the Cosmetic Surgery process are you at?
Surgeon Consultation stage
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My Stats
I have been to cardiff for my first consultation 16th-7-2014, second consultation with mr signh on 21-7-2014!
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Gemma and Shannen are now friends!
Leona and Shannen are now friends!
tracy86 and Shannen are now friends!
Shannen and Laura are now friends!
Becky and Shannen are now friends!
Hayley and Shannen are now friends!
Shannen and aprile are now friends!
Shannen and Nicki are now friends!
Started the topic Consultation with mr Singh! Severely tubular breasts
10 years, 7 months agoShannen and Jamie are now friends!
Shannen and are now friends!
Started the topic Surgeon consultation tomorrow!
10 years, 7 months agoShannen and Shannon are now friends!
Shannen and Holly are now friends!
Shannen and Elishia are now friends!
Shannen and Laura are now friends!
Shannen and Melanie are now friends!
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