Started the topic Botox- am I on the right forum?
9 years agoUpdated their profile
9 years, 3 months agoStarted the topic Sleeping without a bra?!
9 years, 3 months agoJen <3 and Jenn are now friends!
Replied to the topic 300-325 mod plus unders to achieve a full C??
9 years, 3 months agoReplied to the topic 300-325 mod plus unders to achieve a full C??
9 years, 3 months agoReplied to the topic 300-325 mod plus unders to achieve a full C??
9 years, 3 months agoReplied to the topic 300-325 mod plus unders to achieve a full C??
9 years, 3 months agoReplied to the topic 300-325 mod plus unders to achieve a full C??
9 years, 3 months agoReplied to the topic 300-325 mod plus unders to achieve a full C??
9 years, 3 months agoReplied to the topic Post Op Info help!!!
9 years, 4 months agoJen <3 and Jo are now friends!
Replied to the topic Gentle exercise at 2 weeks post op?
9 years, 4 months agoUpdated their profile
9 years, 4 months agoReplied to the topic Can people take a look and advise? Thanks a lot x
9 years, 6 months agoReplied to the topic 20 days PO (250cc hp partial)
9 years, 6 months agoReplied to the topic Rice sizers?
9 years, 6 months agoStarted the topic 28th October days case Fitzroy
9 years, 6 months agoUpdated their profile
9 years, 6 months agoStart a live chat session with one of our expert advisors.