• Sam (sjs78) posted an update 12 years, 5 months ago

    Ok here’s my boobie story. I got there yesterday for 1pm and waited in reception till 1:30 when the nurse came to get me. After taking me through to a ward with 4 beds she asked me to take all my clothes off and put on the lovely paper knickers, gown and stockings….they are everything everyone says they are  I was told I had about an hour to wait as there was a girl already down having a big op. I saw the anaesthetist at 3 who went through all the stuff about GA and my medical history then the surgeon came at 3:45 to draw on me at this point I knew the other girl was out of surgery so my turn wouldn’t be long eek!!
    I think I finally went down at about 4 where the lovely anaesthetist told me I would soon feel drunk once I did she injected some penicillin which she told me would give me a garlic taste in my mouth, think I made some crack about “oh that my kebab to go with the drink” and next thing I woke up in recovery at 5, first thing I did was lift the sheets to check it was done lol and it was. Went back to the ward for about 5:15 feeling pretty groggy. I had hoped to go home but because they had injected some tramadol in recover cos I said I was in pain they said I would have to stay in. As it happened it was quite good as the other 2 girls on the ward were lovely and we had a giggle until after midnight.
    I woke up from GA starving in fact think that’s first thing I said so about half 6 I had some sandwiches whilst I waited for my boyfriend to bring my youngest son in to see me, which was really nice to see him as I wasn’t going home.
    Slept rubbish though, was sat up and uncomfortable and as usual with hospitals there were loads of strange noises so when they brought breakfast and pain relief at 6:20 this morning was a relief.
    Came home about 9 after seeing my surgeon and I’m currently chilling on the couch fleeting slightly woozy from the codeine so excuse this if it doesn’t make sense 
    Got to admit they aren’t as big as id have hoped, the left one is quite a bit bigger/more swollen then the left so hope that equals out. They are also quite high which I didn’t expect as I had overs so just hope they drop????
    I will put some pics up soon just need to upload them.