• stephanie posted an update in the group ** implant sizes** 12 years ago

    Hi, I am new on here I have had my first consultation, waiting to book consultation with surgeon. I am 5ft 7′, 10 stone and a 34b, wanting to be 34d. Is anyone similar sizes and can suggest the implant size they had please ? 🙂 x x

    • Hi I have similar stats to you Stephanie I’m booked in for 9th may and really don’t know what size to go for I’ve been offered 265cc 295cc and 325cc I’m so stuck cos everyone seems to get different results! X

      • I know its really hard to choose, Iv got my consultation with my surgeon this Wednesday hopfully I can make a better decision then! x x

        • what did you decide to go for? I’m exactly the same stats as you and having mine done next week – can’t decide between 295 or 325 argh! x

          • Hey! I have gone for 330 in the end aafter trying them on. Good Luck for next week!! Mines the week after Ek, so excited!! xx