About me
Age 31
5.4 tall
55 kgs
Pre op rhino
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My Stats
Age 31
Size 8
5.4 tall
Tammy and ayshababy are now friends!
Tammy and Keira are now friends!
Started the topic Chaperone
9 years, 5 months agoUpdated their profile
9 years, 5 months agoStarted the topic Chaperone needed
9 years, 5 months agoTammy and Amy are now friends!
Tammy and Clair are now friends!
Tammy and Hannah H are now friends!
Tammy and Anna are now friends!
Tammy and Kate Roberts are now friends!
Replied to the topic Rhinoplasty done with Frati
9 years, 7 months agoTammy and Jenny are now friends!
Tammy and noor are now friends!
Tammy and Toula are now friends!
Tammy and Amy are now friends!
Tammy and Rachael are now friends!
Replied to the topic Rhinoplasty help !!
9 years, 9 months agoTammy and Abbie Whyte are now friends!
Tammy and Lucy-lou are now friends!
Tammy and Georgia are now friends!
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