About me
Looking to get my implants removed and replaced and go bigger because why not!
What Stage of the Cosmetic Surgery process are you at?
Initial consultation stage
Are you a MYA patient?
I agree with the terms and conditions
Updated their profile
1 month, 1 week agoKelly changed their profile picture 1 month, 1 week ago
1 month, 1 week agoZoe and Kelly are now friends!
Rosie Wilson and Kelly are now friends!
Kelly and Kelly are now friends!
Emma and Kelly are now friends!
Charley and Kelly are now friends!
Chanel and Kelly are now friends!
avi and Kelly are now friends!
Amy and Kelly are now friends!
Sophie and Kelly are now friends!
Simone and Kelly are now friends!
Sarah and Kelly are now friends!
Rudi and Kelly are now friends!
Rowan Kaya and Kelly are now friends!
Regina and Kelly are now friends!
pippa and Kelly are now friends!
Natalie and Kelly are now friends!
Mrs Rebecca Johnston and Kelly are now friends!
Lina and Kelly are now friends!
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