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  • Procedures

    Breast augmentation






About me

Looking to get my implants removed and replaced and go bigger because why not!

What Stage of the Cosmetic Surgery process are you at?

Initial consultation stage

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Breast augmentation

Patient Story

Why did you choose MYA?

I had my first breast augmentation done by mya and had no issues at all, 11yrs later they still look great, also no one could even tell I had them done unless I told them even to this day, my journey with mya was great so mya was first and only thought when I decided to have them redone x

How was your consultation?

First consultation was by phone with katy and she’s lovely and answered all my questions and I feel like i could go to her about anything which is what we need x

How was the day of your procedure?

Not had it as yet

How was your recovery?

Not had the surgery yet

Are you happy with your results?

Not had surgery yet


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