Katy Diver posted an update in the group Dr Gonschior’s Group 12 years ago
Hello…well the cast has been off for all in all now about 4 hours, I love the shape my nose is heading towards, it just looks quite wide and height is quite high…I’m hoping this is due to swelling, is this down to swelling?
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Hey Katy, hope you’re well, I had my cast off this morning and mine appears fairly wide too in comparison to when the cast was over it, the nurse said it’s swollen and will go down bit by bit, so I’m just sitting tight, seems we all have to play a waiting game with this! When you say height is high do you mean your tip? x
Hiya! Sorry for not getting back to you sooner, I’m crap at this. A lot of the swelling has subsided. now I’ve done a blog if that helps http://thesociallyawkwardblonde.tumblr.com/